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To America with Love:
Palestinians and 9/11

by Carlos

Bin Laden toasting the Twin Towers' destruction.  
Text: "Exclusive to al-Hayat al-Jadida"
[al-Hayat al-Jadida, September 12, 2007]

September 18, 2007 - Happy Anniversary, America.

Every September 11 Palestinians celebrate the destruction of the World Trade Center with a commemorative cartoon. To the left is this year's version. Cartoons from previous years are on display at the link following the text of this article.

The cartoon appears in the official daily al-Hayat al-Jadida, which the Palestinian Authority owns and which the office of Mahmoud Abbas controls. You may remember Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority. He's the "moderate" one.

These cartoons carry forth a tradition that began on the original 9/11, when Palestinians celebrated in the streets right after the attacks. As Marcus and Crook point out, "the U.S. continues to fund PA institutions and the Palestinian Authority itself, and to support it politically, while ignoring the continued Palestinian hate promotion against the U.S." None of this American support appears to have tempered Palestinian hatred.

OK, so Palestinians don't really have to love America. They don't really have to examine themselves, to consider whether they bear even a tiny bit of responsibility for their own problems. But continuing to rejoice at the death of civilians even six years later ought to be beyond the pale.


Marcus, Itamar and Barbara Crook. "Palestinian Authority Celebrates 9-11 Terror Attacks." Palestinian Media Watch, September, 2007.

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