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Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't

Saeb Erakat, Palestinian negotiator, comments on Sharon's plan for Israel to disengage from the Gaza Strip:

Dr. Sa’b Erakat told reporters that the Palestinian National Authority formally demanded Saturday the United States to elaborate its stance over the disengagement plan with the Palestinians that was sketched out by the Israeli premier Sharon and implementing measures unilaterally.

Dr. Erakat vehemently rebuked the Israeli plan, viewing Sharon’s remarks as blowing off entirely the peace process and the irrelevancy of the peace partner.
- "President Arafat Accuses US Administration Applauding Sharon's Plan, No Date Set for PM Qurei'-Sharon Meeting." Palestinian National Authority, December 21, 2003.

But after the Likud Party rejected Sharon's disengagement proposal in its May 2 referendum:

The Palestinian Authority also blasted the results of the referendum. Palestinian Parliament member Saeb Erekat expressed frustration in "having to watch Likud party members taking themselves so seriously and trying to determine our destiny."

"They have no right to dismiss signed agreements," Erekat continued.
- Marwan Atamna and Maariv News Services. "US: Israel Must Carry Out Disengagement. Angry Reactions from the Bush Administration and the PA over Likud Referendum Results. Saeb Erekat: A frustrating day for us." Maariv International, May 3, 2004.

The Palestinian position is very clear: Israel must not stay in the territories, but it must not leave either.

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Peace with Realism