Peace with Realism

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Al Qaeda is a Zionist Plot!

First Al-Jazeera, now Al-Qaeda. If it's bad, it must be Zionist. How clever of those Zionists to hide behind a Jew-hating group!

On May 6, Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef Abd Al-'Aziz told the Yemenite weekly September 26 that blaming Al-Qa'ida for attacks in Saudi Arabia does not contradict the words of Crown Prince Abdallah that the Zionists are behind these operations, because Israel and Zionism are behind Al-Qa'ida, which is responsible for all attacks in Arab countries.

- "Saudi Officials Reinforce Crown Prince Abdallah's Accusation that Zionists Are Behind Terror Attacks in Saudi Arabia," Middle East Media Research Institute, Special Dispatch No. 726, June 3, 2004.

Remember Al-Qaeda's original name, "The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders." That name was created by Osama bin Laden. But as everybody knows, bin Laden too is a Zionist. Only a crafty Jew would think of setting up an anti-Jewish terrorist group to hide behind.

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Peace with Realism

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Peace with Realism