Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Peace with Realism

Toward a Just Peace in the Middle East

NOTE: This site will be kept in place but unfortunately I do not have the time to keep it updated. Nevertheless much of its material is still relevant, especially as the crisis in the Middle East continues to worsen.

Here are some recommended more recent articles:

Religious Roots of Islamic Antisemitism

On Jewish Anti-Zionism

Is Criticism of Israel Always Antisemitic?

Recent Articles

Featured Articles

Naming the Darkness: Religious Roots of the Middle East Conflict

The Big Lie Endures

Orwell in Gaza: Politics and Media Manipulation Decide Morality

What Is Zionism?

What Israel Fights for in Gaza

The Influence of Religion on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Palestinians Admit Using Human Shields

Don't Believe the Big Lie

Human Shields:
Palestinians Exploit Their Own Schoolchildren

Voices Against OneVoice

The Myth of the Palestinian Underdog

"Another Voice" Against OneVoice

Lies That Kill

The Palestinian Disinformation Campaign

Enablers of Murder

The Problem of Jihad

Collective Hypocrisy: Justifying Gaza's Rocket War

The International Solidarity Movement: Champions of Peace?

Complete Site Contents


External Zionism Links

ZioNation: Progressive Zionism & Israel
Israel News
MidEastWeb Middle East Web Log
IMO Blog - Israel & Midden-Oosten (NL)
Israel - Palestine Info
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Brave Zionism
Middle East Analysis
Israel Palestijnen Nieuwsblog
Zionism-Israel Info Center
Zionism-Israel Pages
MidEastWeb Middle East Web Log
MidEastWeb Middle East News and Views
PeaceWatch Middle East Commentary

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Peace with Realism